星期五, 五月 01, 2009

go back hometown~~~

my blog will rest until next monday ya~~~

cos go back hometown~~

see ya~~~

星期三, 四月 29, 2009

our sushi meal~~very cheap,just RM2 for each~~LOL!!!!!!!!!

our sushi meal were ate on sushi king,Leisure Mall!!!!

Two of them~~~LOL!!! why just capture two of noisy girl~~~

no FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on left side,her name is chinn wong..haha!!!!very hardworking~~~not like me!!!LOL!!

on right side,her name is see ying jie~~~rmb must put jia at the behind~~~

because she is a 'big sister' on our group 3~~~so horrible~~~

always bully.....by us~~~haha~~~this is method, we treat our 'big sister'~~~

four people VS four people

sure those picture got me win!!!!!


those people who inside this picture don't be sad~~~it ok!!!!!(not count two people who take twice)

finally finish ate,captured at this moment!!!!!
but where another people(wear yellow t-shit)???
forgive her,because she is sky~~~~
you wanna see her???
above got captured her!!!!!haha!!!!!
wearied the yellow t-shirt call cheng mun~~~
she can take the exam on good result without attend the lecture....so smart!!!!!
START FROM LEFT SIDE : the girl wearied the brown t-shirt call ying ying~~~~
she is a nice X 100 people...
because she so X 100 nice,so don't bully her...EXCEPT ME!!!!!!
the girl who wearied black and white line t-shirt call lily...
her nickname is....LOL!!!!this person call herself clever!!!!!
but actually I more clever than her!!!!(was approved by http://www.onlyvickywen.blogspot.com/)
100% proved!!!!!
another person was wrote above already!!!!!not need to mention again!!!!haha!!!!
now RIGTH SIDE: our 'big sister' also not need mention her again~~~because not too important!!!!haha!!!
LOL!!!!!!!turn to this people,so many words to say about her lor~~~but i don't want waste another people's time....so i miss it....
haha!!!!!never la!!!!
hew thung low!!!!!
her name!!!!
i want make specially to her!!!!
because she always 'treat' me so good!!!!!!
hew thung,her nickname is stupid people!!!!
another nickname is huai dan de ren~~~
she always bully me!!!!bully me until me going to.....bully her back!!!!haha!!!!
stop to talking about her,because i don't want her later say me mention her too much~~~
a pity people is me!!!!!!
because the huai dan de ren always bully me!!!!!
STOP to bully me again!!!!!
our drinks=6 people(actually is 7 but miss 1 person's drink)
never mind, we not need count huai dan de ran and stupid people's drink....

星期二, 四月 28, 2009


exam was gone!!!!
especially the investment subject~~~
actually I'm very interest about this subject,
but unlucky,
my lecturer~~~
maybe she is a good investor for invest the investment,
but i very confirm that,
she can't be a good lecturer...
maybe she was try her best~~
haiz,i just hope my investment can get a good result...
because i very hard to remember it theory~~~
although,she may not be able teach me again,
i hope that she very happy on her teaching ya~~~~
thank you for my investment lecturer ya~~~

星期日, 四月 26, 2009


actually this was old new,but jz becoz im jz create a blog~~~
those picture,im captured by myself....
that time,i was close to danson tang,i felt impossible,cos he really handsome and gentleman...
i hope danson tang can come malaysia again~~
ummm....i hope u guys can support danson tang ya~~~

fiRsT TiMe WrIte a BloG

first time create a blog and write a blog~~~


ummm....don't know how to perform it well~~~

maybe wanna some time ya~~~

i will write interest and excited thing on my life to share to ur all~~~



sTART In HERe noW~~~

KISS THE BABY SKY PV~~~~nice!!!!!!


this song was composed by DBSK~mickychan~~~

yeah~~~nice song!!!!

u can see,micky is most happy on this PV!!!!!



support u 4ever ya~~~~